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s artists are we automatically flower planters in our communities or do we learn to give back to them through practice? I ponder this on my way to experience “diversión,” the offerings that Carlos Flores has organized during his Anchor Curatorial Residency with the Chicago Park District. When I think of the work Flores has planted, Erykah Badu’s “Apple Tree” lyrics come to mind: “I have some food in my bag for you. / Not that edible food, the food you eat? / No, I have some food for thought. / Since knowledge is infinite it has infinitely fell on me.” By inviting a carefully curated handful of art practitioners and land workers to lead moments of skill sharing and reflection, and with the spirit of play in mind, “diversión” gives us the opportunity to listen to the ecosystem and the teachings that artists have brought—some in wheelbarrows—to Marquette Park.

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