WBBM Radio: Chicago Park District gets head start to fill more than 2,500 summer jobs
CHICAGO (WBBM NEWSRADIO) -- The Chicago Park District has already begun looking for workers to fill more than 2,500 jobs this summer.
Block Club Chicago: Kiwanis Park’s North Park Shoreline Restoration Is Underway
Kiwanis Park is one of four riverfront parks in Albany Park, North Park and Lincoln Square being upgraded this year to improve their shorel
NBC 5 Chicago: Live Nation holds mysterious “special concert announcement’ at Soldier Field
Ticketmaster parent company Live Nation is set to make a mysterious, "special concert announcement" at Soldier Field in Chicago Thursday.
Hyde Park Herald: Here’s where Hyde Parkers can recycle Christmas trees
Starting this weekend, Chicagoans can recycle their Christmas trees at one of 27 locations around the city.
WGN TV's Spotlight Chicago: Blooming Life Into Winter Months At The “Winter Green Flower Show
Imagine beautiful flowers blooming during the winter months.
The Beverly Review: Mt. Greenwood Park among sites of park district speed skating competitions
The Chicago Park District will host its 107th Silver Skates Speed Skating Competition at 6 public ice rinks, including Mt.
Fox 32 Chicago: Winter Flower Show: Escape the cold at the Garfield Park Conservatory
A good way to escape the cold this winter is by taking a trip to the Garfield Park Conservatory.
WGN TV's Spotlight Chicago: Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions With Free Fitness Centers Week
Visualize becoming a healthier version of yourself and achieving your New Year’s goals — the Chicago Park District is helping you get the p
Fox 32 Chicago: Winter Flower Show: Escape the cold at the Garfield Park Conservatory
A good way to escape the cold this winter is by taking a trip to the Garfield Park Conservatory.
WGN TV's Spotlight Chicago: “Holiday Magic Event” & Winter Programs At Ellis Park
The Chicago Park District makes sure there’s programs and fun for the community especially through the holidays.
Fox 32 Chicago: Chicago Park District launches early lifeguard recruitment drive amid staffing concerns
CHICAGO - The Chicago Park District is proactively addressing potential staffing shortages for the upcoming beach and pool season by launch
Environmental Monitor: Protecting Chicago’s Lakefront: Freshwater Beach Monitoring
Thousands of people flock to the Great Lakes every year to enjoy the freshwater beaches along the coast.
Spotlight Chicago: Chicago Park District: The Girls P.L.A.Y. Initiative
67% of women feel that society doesn’t encourage girls to play sports – so when Chicago Public Schools are out, the Girls P.L.A.Y.
Nature Play Space Planned For Edgewater’s Senn Park
A playground featuring scalable logs and stones is planned for the area next to Senn Park’s existing playground, down the street from Senn
Spotlight Chicago: Celebrate Halloween With The Chicago Park District
You can enjoy events with the Chicago Park District year-round, but this is the perfect season to have some fall fun, and even get a little bit spo
Block Club Chicago: Riverfront Parks In Albany Park, North Park, Lincoln Square Getting Upgrades To Bolster Ecosystems
Ronan Park will get a new public plaza, while work to stabilize the shoreline from erosion and remove invasive species will take place at L
CBS 2 Chicago: Chicago Park District building new fieldhouse at Cragin Park in Belmont Cragin
CHICAGO (CBS) -- As demand grows for indoor programs in the Belmont-Cragin community, the Chicago Park District is building a new fieldhous
WGN TV: Park district hosting boxing events in August
CHICAGO — The Chicago Park District is hosting outdoor boxing events at five locations across the city this month.
WBBM Radio: Piping Plovers raised in captivity released into the wild for the first time in Illinois
CHICAGO (WBBM NEWSRADIO) -- The Chicago Park District said for the first time in the state of Illinois, piping plovers raised in captivity
NWI.com: ALERT TOP STORY EDITOR'S PICK Ford Calumet Environmental Center tells story of Region's history
CHICAGO — A former slag dump on the Southeast Side was once slated to be the city's next landfill but instead ended up home to egrets wading in sea
NBC 5 Chicago: After School Matters, Shirley Ryan Ability Lab Partner to Offer Adaptive Sports Camp For Teens
After School Matters is partnering with Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and the Chicago Park District to offer their first ever adaptive sports ca
Chicago Park District 2023 March/April e-Newsletter
Celebrate Earth Day on April 22 by helping clean and beautify a Chicago Park!
WTTW Chicago: Chicago Parks Are on Fire, and That’s a Good Thing
In a city synonymous with fire, the sight of flames rising up against the backdrop of Chicago’s skyscrapers would typically raise an alarm.
WGN TV: Need a summer job? Chicago Park District is hiring
Young Chicagoans looking for summer jobs throughout the city can start applying at the Chicago Park District.