a young person in a white dress stands under a white canopy inviting people to rest on the grass

Date & Time: Thu, Sep 05, 2024 from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM


6500 S. Racine Ave.
Chicago, IL 60636

Fee: $0.00

Age Range: All Ages

Categories: Night Out in the Parks Teens in the Park Theater


Part performance, part nap installation, Rest/Reposo uses "Rest is Resistance" and other works by Tricia Hersey, the Nap Bishop of The Nap Ministry, to bring rest to our parks. This bilingual, Spanish/English, piece will invite audiences to consider rest as both a necessary act of survival and an invitation to dream of a future that centers care for self and others, while reflecting on the history of African-American and immigrant labor in Chicago. https://freestreet.org/

Add to Calendar 2024-09-05 18:00:00 2024-09-05 19:00:00 Rest/Reposo at Ogden Ogden (William) Park Chicago Park District noreply@chicagoparkdistrict.com America/Chicago public