3652 N. Greenview Ave.
Chicago, IL 60613
Park Hours
This small park is 0.37 acres and it is located in the Lakeview neighborhood (two blocks east of Ashland Avenue, ½ block north of Addison Street). The new playground at Juniper Park is nature-themed and features a rotating net climber, a climbing wall, sensory paths and an interactive water table. While there is no structured programming taking place at this location, we invite you to check out our great programs offered nearby at Sheil Park.
Before the creation of Juniper Park, the surrounding section of the Lakeview neighborhood had suffered from a shortage of parkland. In 1972, the Chicago Park District acquired the park property from the Waveland Avenue Congregational Church, designating it Juniper Park shortly thereafter.
Juniper Park was one of a number of properties the Park District named for trees and plants at this time. Junipers are small, pyramid-shaped evergreen trees or shrubs. Male junipers produce cones, while female junipers produce berries that supply winter food for birds. The wood of the juniper is sometimes used to line clothes closets, both because it has a pleasant odor and because it repels moths.