
200 West Montrose Harbor Drive
Chicago, IL 60640

Located Within: Lincoln (Abraham) Park
Features: Prairie, Savanna, Woodland, Birding Area
Is Accessible
Note: Paved trails run through the natural area.



Lincoln Park's Marovitz Savanna, in combination with wooded areas in the nearby Marovitz Golf Course, contains nine acres of prairie and savanna habitat. The Lakefront Trail runs along the western and northern edges of the savanna and additional paved paths cross through it. In the summer and fall, an array of native wildflowers color the landscape. The purple and yellow-flowered New England aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae, pictured) grows in abundance at this site.

Situated between Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary (to the east) and Bill Jarvis Migratory Bird Sanctuary (to the south), Marovitz Savanna serves as an important stopover within the lakefront corridor for migratory birds.

Help keep wildlife wild, safe, and healthy by following posted signage and Natural Areas Rules and Regulations. For questions regarding Chicago Park District Natural Areas, email nature@chicagoparkdistrict.com.


For directions using public transportation visit www.transitchicago.com.

Map & Facilities

Lincoln Park - Marovitz Savanna Natural Area

200 West Montrose Harbor Drive
Chicago, IL 60640
United States
