Ohio spiderwort (Tradescantia ohiensis)

Wilson Drive and Marine Drive
Chicago, IL 60660

Located Within: Lincoln (Abraham) Park
Features: Prairie, Savanna, ADA Path, Nature Trail
Is Accessible
Note: Paved surfaces run adjacent to and through the natural area. Additional mowed grass paths run north/south through the site.


Hours Notes

Natural areas are open from dawn to dusk daily.


The Uptown Natural Area project, beginning in 2022, transformed approximately six acres of lawn into a thriving space for people and wildlife through the planting of Illinois native prairie and savanna wildflowers, grasses, and shrubs. The project is located in Lincoln Park west of DuSable Lake Shore Drive and between Lawrence and Wilson. This ecological restoration process creates a resting stop for migratory birds, absorbs and filters stormwater, and establishes a place for nature observation and respite in a section of the Uptown community area that is densely populated and highly urbanized.

Initially identified through the Institute of Cultural Affairs "Uptown Coastal Initiative", this effort was made possible through funding from the Illinois Coastal Management Program of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

Help keep wildlife wild, safe, and healthy by following posted signage and Natural Areas Rules and Regulations. For questions regarding Chicago Park District Natural Areas, email nature@chicagoparkdistrict.com


1930s: The northern Chicago lakefront undergoes drastic changes through land filling and the creation of Montrose Point and Montrose Harbor. Landscape plans in Lincoln Park, of which only some were realized, call for the installation of thousands of native shrubs and trees. According to the National Register of Historic Places entry for this area of Lincoln Park, "[Alfred] Caldwell gave the landscape a 'naturalistic effect' by relying on native trees, shrubs, and flowers in a layered and informally arranged manner. The original design included masses of vegetation that defined meadows and areas such as parking lots. This included a long meandering meadow west of Lake Shore Dr. between Lawrence Dr. and Foster Dr. and a smaller meadow between Wilson Dr. and Lawrence Dr. In the late 1930s this area was much more densely planted than the landscape east of Lake Shore Dr. Although the vegetation is now greatly reduced, particularly along the western edge of the two meadows, the area retains its historic pathway system."

2016: The Institute of Cultural Affairs Uptown Coastal Initiative engages Uptown community members in a planning process to "enhance awareness and stewardship of Uptown's inner coastal zone and its unique assets." The idea to create a native habitat restoration project west of DuSable Lake Shore Drive is identified as part of this process.

2021: The Chicago Park District applies for and receives a grant from the Illinois Coastal Management Program of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to replace existing turf lawn with native prairie and savanna plantings.

2022–ongoing: Project begins in late summer/fall 2022, including fencing, treatments to non-native vegetation, native plant and seed installation, and signage development. Management of the new plantings by the Park District continues in future years.


For directions using public transportation visit www.transitchicago.com.

Map & Facilities

Lincoln Park - Uptown Natural Area

Wilson Drive and Marine Drive
Chicago, IL 60660
United States
