We're rolling out new fitness center monthly prices & celebrating with a FREE FITNESS CENTER WEEK, starting September 3.
Membership prices NOW range from as low as $10 and up to $20. Have you heard about the our 3-month free fitness center program? For details, visit chicagoparkdistrict.com/programs-memberships/programs-overview/wellness.
This newsletter will also cover the following topics:
- Fall Park Programming Kick Off:Week of Sept. 9
- Chicago OnScreen: Aug. 26-31
- Queering the Parks Pool Party: Aug. 24
- Family Camping: Aug. 24 & Sept. 14
- Senior Games: Aug. 26- Sept. 27
- Free Fitness Week: Sept. 3-8
- First Ladies' Walk/Run: Sept. 7
- Customer Satisfaction Survey
- Monthly Contests: Enter before Sept. 2
Read the newsletter at: