The following locations are independently managed, please call them directly:
- Alfred Caldwell Lily Pool | (773) 883-7275
- Lincoln Park Zoo | (312) 742-2000
- Maggie Daley Park & Cancer Survivors Garden | (312) 552-3000
- Millennium Park | (312) 744-6050
- Olive Park | (312) 744-6635
- Indoor Events
To book a facility inside a fieldhouse such as a meeting room, call the fieldhouse directly for rental pricing and information. Click here to search for a park.Some locations within the Park District such as 63rd St Beach, Northerly Island, Promontory Point, South Shore Cultural Center, etc. are considered Special Event Venues. Click here for a full list of Special Event Venues, pricing, or to book one of these spaces.
- Outdoor Events
Outdoor events which include any of the features listed below require a Special Event Permit:-
50 or more people*
Advertising or sponsorship activities
Amplified sound (e.g. loudspeakers, amplifiers, powered megaphones)
Animals (e.g. petting zoo, pony rides, horses)
Ceremonies (e.g. baptisms, dedications, weddings, & other services)
Exercise classes or boot camps
Flying Machine (e.g. drones)
Guaranteed Use of Space**
Selling and/or distributing merchandise, services or food (e.g. vendors)
Tents/canopies (e.g. 10x10 popup)
Walk/Run/Bike or Parade Route
*For gatherings of 49 people or less that do not include any of the features listed above, call the park fieldhouse directly for facility rental information. Click here to search for a park.
**Note: To ensure guaranteed use of a facility, rental is required. Outdoor facilities that have not been rented are available to the public on a first come, first serve basis provided the activity does not include any of the features listed above. Call the park fieldhouse directly for facility rental information. Click here to search for a park.
Permit InformationSpecial Event Permit Pricing includes a $35 Application Fee + Rental Fees.
Click here for pricing information.To book a space: click here to start the application process.