A group of young children attend a track program at the Track & Field Center at Gately Park.

    Chicago Park District programs are offered through four seasonal sessions each year: winter, spring, summer and fall.  Registration for these activities may be available online and/or in-person, depending on the park.  Online registration is divided into two zones over two days.  The zones are defined by California Avenue (2800 W.).  Parks located west of California Ave. begin registration on the first of two registration days each season, and parks located east of California Avenue begin online registration the following day.  For each season, patrons can view programs offered and create their wish list two weeks prior to the first day of online registration.

    Learn More About Program Registration:


      In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Chicago Park District does not discriminate on the basis of disability in employment or admission/access to programs and activities.