The show features 20 large-size hummingbirds created by local artists
The 2018 Lincoln Park Conservatory Summer Tropical Flower Show “Flower-Kissers” is open to the public. Admission to the exhibit is free and open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Sunday, September 23.
The Lincoln Park Conservatory is located at 2391 N. Stockton Dr. This summer’s Flower-Kissers Tropical Flower Show features annual flowers that Chicagoans can plant to attract hummingbirds to their home gardens. These include Nodding Hibiscus, Cuphea Firecracker Plant, Salvia, Lantana, and others. In addition, the show will feature 20 large-sized hummingbirds crafted and painted in all of the colors of the rainbow by local artists. Moving swiftly from one vibrantly colored flower to another is how the human eye often catches a sudden glimpse of the elusive hummingbird known in Portugese as the “beija flor” or flower kisser. The hummingbird has fascinated people for centuries. In various cultures, hummingbirds are seen as healers and bringers of love, good luck and joy. Everyone is invited to see and learn about the flowers that will bring hummingbirds and good luck to their own backyards.
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