1. Create a new account or login to an existing account.
2. Enter log-in information.
3. Go to “Activities” in the blue menu bar to start an activity search.
4. Filter by locations, times, or categories, you may also search by keyword or activity number.
5. Click on the desired program name.
6. Review program information.
To register for the program, click “Enroll Now”, you may click the “Heart Icon” (next to the activities name) to add the program to your wish list so you can access it quicker when you return to register.
7. Choose the participant name from the drop-down list. Custom questions (like t-shirt size) may appear, and also an optional donation will appear. Click “add to cart” to continue, or “register another participant” to add the current person to the cart and choose another person.
8. Review your cart.
You may edit or remove each entry in your cart. Click "Waiver" to review our waiver text, and then click the checkbox to acknowledge that you have done so. Then you may click "Check Out" to proceed and pay; or use the Continue Shopping options to register for more activities. “Add from Wish List” will return you to your Wish List if there are more items in it you need; otherwise you may start a new activity or membership search with “Add Activity,” or “Add Memberships.” You may also "Make a Donation" to the Park District.
9. Enter your payment information. You can choose to save your credit card information to your account to save time in the future. When you are ready to complete your order, click “Pay.”
10. Your registration is complete! Click the “View or Print Receipt” button to get a copy of your full receipt for your records.