How to Report | Abuse & Neglect | Other Resources | Non-OPA Complaints | FAQs
Tamara B. Starks, Director
Created in 2022, the Office of Prevention and Accountability (OPA) supports the Chicago Park District’s commitment to providing an equitable, inclusive, safe, and respectful recreation and work environment free from discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, workplace violence, abuse and neglect of children and vulnerable adults, and retaliation.
OPA works to ensure that thorough, fair, and independent investigations are conducted in response to any alleged violation of the Human Rights Ordinance – Chapter IV of the Chicago Park District Code. This includes allegations of discrimination and harassment in violation of the following Chicago Park District policies:
- Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
- Gender Diversity Policy
- Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy
- Violence in the Workplace Policy
OPA also handles investigations and provides guidance related to the Chicago Park District’s Child Abuse and Neglect Policy and Adult Protective Services Policy.
How to Report?
If you are in immediate fear for your safety or in any other emergency, please call 911. To report discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, workplace violence, or retaliation to OPA, please use one of the following options:
- Online: Submit online complaint
- By telephone (Confidential Hotline): (312) 742-5OPA (312-742-5672)
- By email:
Abuse and Neglect of Children and Vulnerable Adults
All Chicago Park District employees are required to report to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) if they have reasonable cause to believe that a child may be abused or neglected. Child Abuse and Neglect Reports are made by calling the DCFS Hotline at (800) 252-2873 (800-25-ABUSE). More information is available on the DCFS website at:
Park District employees who suspect elder abuse should contact Adult Protective Services (APS) through the Illinois Department on Aging’s hotline at (866) 800-1409 For deaf and speech-impaired communication over the telephone, dial Illinois Relay at 711. More information is available on the APS website at
Employees should notify their area manager and OPA immediately after reporting any concern of abuse or neglect to either DCFS or APS.
Other Resources
- Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center: (312) 492-3700. The Chicago CAC is the city’s only nonprofit organization that coordinates the efforts of child protection staff, law enforcement professionals, family advocates, medical experts, and mental health clinicians under one roof. For more information, go to
- Chicago Rape Crisis Hotline: (888) 293-2080. Operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the Rape Crisis Hotline provides survivors of sexual violence and their significant others immediate support, crisis intervention, and referrals. More information is available at Rape Crisis Hotline - YWCA Metropolitan Chicago (
- Resilience: (312) 443-9603. Resilience is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the healing and empowerment of sexual assault survivors through non-judgmental crisis intervention counseling, individual and group trauma therapy, and medical and legal advocacy. For more information, go to
- Chicago Park District Employee Assistance Program (EAP): (877) 215-6614
Non-OPA Complaints
OPA handles complaints related to discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, workplace violence, abuse and neglect of children and vulnerable adults, and retaliation. Below is a list of Park District offices that can assist with concerns in other areas:
- Chicago Park District Office of Inspector General (OIG): (312) 742-3333 The Office of the Inspector General investigates allegations of fraud, waste, and abuse or misconduct by Chicago Park District employees, Board members, contractors, agents, or volunteers. This includes mismanagement of Park District resources, and theft, bribery, or ethics violations. More information about the CPD OIG is available at
- Chicago Park District Risk Management: (312) 735-8888. Risk management handles questions and complaints on issues related to health and safety, including accidents, biohazard waste disposal, insurance claims, safety trainings, and Worker’s Compensation. More information is available at
- Chicago Park District Human Resources: (312) 742-5220. Please contact Human Resources for concerns related to hiring, compensation, benefits, and labor relations. For more information, please visit
- Chicago Park District Disability Policy Office: (312) 742-4298 or Email: The Disability Policy Office oversees issues related to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Illinois Accessibility Code, and the Chicago Building Code and works to identify ways to improve accessibility at Park facilities. For more information, please visit
- FAQs for Patrons
Community Members
I am not a Park District employee, does the Chicago Park District Ordinance apply to me?
Yes. The Park District’s Human Rights Ordinance covers Park District participants and patrons in addition to employees, applicants for employment, Board members, officers, officials, contractors, consultants, vendors, volunteers, and coaches.
Who can make complaints to OPA?
Complaints may be made by anyone (e.g., park patrons, community members, employees, and vendors).
What types of complaints does OPA investigate?
The complaint must relate to the conduct under OPA’s jurisdiction - discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, workplace violence, abuse and neglect of children and vulnerable adults, and retaliation. Complaints referencing other actions not related to the Park District’s Human Rights Ordinance, Sexual Harassment Policy, EEO Policy or Violence in the Workplace Policy will be referred to the appropriate department or external agency.
Are there time limits for filing a complaint?
OPA will not limit the time frame for an individual to report violations of the Human Rights Ordinance.
Can I file a complaint anonymously?
Yes, complaints can be made anonymously. OPA recommends that you provide as much detail as possible when filing a complaint anonymously.
Can I be retaliated against for filing a complaint or cooperating with an OPA investigation?
Retaliation is prohibited under the Park District’s Human Rights Ordinance. Any concern or knowledge of retaliation should be reported to OPA.
If I file with the Chicago Commission on Human Relations, Illinois Department of Human Rights, or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, can I still file a complaint with OPA?
Yes. Please inform OPA of any other reports you have made related to the allegations in your complaint.
Are OPA’s investigations confidential?
OPA’s investigations are generally confidential. OPA will take all steps possible to ensure your confidentially is protected.
If I talk to OPA, will everyone know?
OPA’s reports will not mention the name of any informant, complainant, witness, or person investigated, except as necessary to communicate and/or recommended penalties for violations of the Human Right Ordinance or unless otherwise authorized by the General Superintendent.
How long does it take to complete an investigation?
OPA is committed to completing investigations as expeditiously as possible. The length of time it takes to complete a thorough investigation will vary based on a number of factors, including the nature of the allegation, the number of interviews required, documents analyzed to identify facts, the degree of cooperation, and other factors.
Are OPA’s reports made public?
Quarterly and annual reports shall be made public via the Park District’s website after they have been submitted to the General Superintendent and Board.
What should I do if I feel my safety or the safety of others is in danger?
Please call 911 immediately.
Additional Questions
If you have additional questions, please email us at
- FAQs for Employees, Vendors & Volunteers
Who can make complaints to OPA?
Complaints may be made by anyone (e.g., park patrons, community members, employees, and vendors).
What types of complaints does OPA investigate?
The complaint must relate to the conduct under OPA’s jurisdiction - discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, workplace violence, abuse and neglect of children and vulnerable adults, and retaliation. Complaints referencing other actions not related to the Park District’s Human Rights Ordinance, Sexual Harassment Policy, EEO Policy or Violence in the Workplace Policy will be referred to the appropriate department or external agency.
Are there time limits for filing a complaint?
OPA will not limit the time frame for an individual to report violations of the Human Rights Ordinance.
What happens if I am a supervisor and someone submits a complaint to me?
Any Park District supervisor or manager level employee who receives a report or reasonably suspects a violation of the Human Rights Ordinance shall refer the matter in writing to OPA within five business days.
Can I file a complaint anonymously?
Yes, complaints can be made anonymously. OPA recommends that you provide as much detail as possible when filing a complaint anonymously.
Can I be retaliated against for filing a complaint or cooperating with an OPA investigation?
Retaliation is prohibited under the Park District’s Human Rights Ordinance. Any concern or knowledge of retaliation should be reported to OPA.
If I file with CCHR, IDHR, or EEOC can I still file a complaint with OPA?
Yes. Please inform OPA of any other reports you have made related to the allegations in your complaint.
Are OPA’s investigations confidential?
OPA’s investigations are generally confidential. OPA will take all steps possible to ensure your confidentially is protected.
If I talk to OPA, will everyone know?
OPA’s reports will not mention the name of any informant, complainant, witness, or person investigated, except as necessary to communicate and/or recommended penalties for violations of the Human Right Ordinance or unless otherwise authorized by the General Superintendent.
How long does it take to complete an investigation?
OPA is committed to completing investigations as expeditiously as possible. The length of time it takes to complete a thorough investigation will vary based on a number of factors, including the nature of the allegation, the number of interviews required, documents analyzed to identify facts, the degree of cooperation, and other factors.
Are OPA’s reports made public?
Quarterly and annual reports will be made public via the Park District’s website after they have been submitted to the General Superintendent and Board.
Employee Duties and Responsibilities
Which employees have a duty to cooperate with OPA?
All Chicago Park District officials, employees, departments, volunteers, contractors, and subcontractors must cooperate with OPA in any investigation.
I suspect a child or vulnerable adult may be the victim of abuse or neglect, but I do not have proof. What should I do?
As mandated reporters, all employees are required to contact the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (“DCFS”) hotline 1-800-25ABUSE or the Adult Protective Services (“APS”) hotline 1-866-800-1409 to report any suspected case of child or vulnerable adult abuse or neglect. Employees are also required to notify their area manager immediately after a report has been made.
I filed a complaint with OPA and shared my concerns of suspected child or vulnerable adult abuse or neglect. Do I still need to contact DCFS or APS?
Yes. Employees must report the matter to OPA; however, making a report to OPA does not relieve or excuse an employee from their duty to directly and immediately report to DCFS or APS.
What should I do if I feel my safety or the safety of others is in danger?
Please call 911 immediately.
Resources for Employees
Will OPA provide trainings to help District employees better understand what is required under the Human Rights Ordinance, Sexual Harassment Policy, EEO Policy and the Violence in the Workplace Policy?
OPA will collaborate with Workforce Development to provide the Mandated Reporter and Sexual Harassment trainings required by Illinois law and Chicago’s ordinances. Additionally, OPA will be working to develop other educational opportunities to ensure that District employees are informed about important issues and have the tools needed to succeed.
Can OPA provide guidance if I am not sure whether what I have seen or experienced qualifies as harassment or discrimination?
Yes. Questions can be referred to OPA by phone at (312) 742-5OPA or via email at . Anyone who witnesses or experiences something that raises a concern should not hesitate to reach out to OPA.
Additional Questions
If you have additional questions, please email us at