Aerial view of Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary
Entrance to the bird sanctuary off Montrose Harbor Drive
Fall color at Montrose Point
Magnolia warbler

200 W. Montrose Harbor Dr.
Chicago, IL 60660

Located Within: Lincoln (Abraham) Park
Features: Prairie, Savanna, Woodland, ADA Path, Birding Area, Nature Trail
Is Accessible
Note: Accessible parking is available near the main entrance off Montrose Harbor Drive as well as nearer to the lake. An 8-ft paved path loops through the natural area and provides opportunities to view birds in prairie, shrubland, and woodland habitats.


Hours Notes

Natural areas are open from dawn to dusk daily.


Located in Lincoln Park, Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary attracts tens of thousands of migratory birds to rest, eat, and shelter each spring and fall. Within the natural area is “The Magic Hedge”, a 150-yard stretch of shrubs and trees, so-called because it attracts a curiously high number of species of migratory birds. Over 300 bird species have been recorded at Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary and the adjacent Montrose Beach Dunes Natural Area, making it an internationally recognized area for birding. Important migrants and residents in the area include most species of regional warblers, thrushes, sparrows, purple martins, woodpeckers, owls, and many others.  

In addition to maintenance conducted by the park district, Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary benefits from the dedication and hard work of volunteers who collect and scatter native seed, plant native species, pick up trash, monitor vegetation and birds, and remove invasive species. Learn more about volunteer opportunities by visiting our Community Stewardship Program page.

Help keep wildlife wild, safe, and healthy by following posted signage and Natural Areas Rules and Regulations. For questions regarding Chicago Park District Natural Areas, email


“The Magic Hedge” at Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary did not just appear on its own. In the mid-20th century, the Army leased land at Montrose and built two barracks. Honeysuckle was planted to screen them from public view. Long after the Army left, the honeysuckle, now known to be an invasive species, remained and still forms much of the structure of The Magic Hedge. Ecological enhancements to the area first began in the 1980s, with the introduction of bird-friendly native shrubs such as nannyberry, serviceberry, and sumac.

In 2015, the Chicago Park District and partners, with the input of community members and other stakeholders, created the Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary Master Plan to help guide future management of the site. The bird sanctuary increased in size in 2017 with the creation of a butterfly meadow at the west end of the site. The installation of an ADA-accessible trail in 2021 made it easier for a wider range of people to explore one of the most important birding destinations in Illinois.

In 2021, the Chicago Park District installed an accessible 1/3 mile long loop that travels near several popular birding locations within the site. Funded in part by a grant from then Illinois Department of Natural Resources, this improvement supports another step in the implementation of the Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary Master Plan (2015) by improving access for those with all physical abilities. For additional information, see the Pathway Improvements Update and Frequently Asked Questions related to this project.

 Natural areas maintenance/stewardship continues by the park district and volunteer community.


Map & Facilities

Lincoln Park - Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary

200 W. Montrose Harbor Dr.
Chicago, IL 60660
United States
